Where is The Cargo Hold Self Storage located?
The Cargo Hold Self Storage is located at 1801 Dutch Lane, Jeffersonville, IN 47130.

What are the access hours?
We offer our tenants access 6 AM - 9PM.
How do I rent a unit?
Rent a unit online using our 24-hour portal.
Am I required to store long-term?
We provide flexible month-to-month lease options. Store with us short or long-term.
How do I pay my storage bill?
Pay your storage bill online using a debit or credit card. You can also speak to your facility manager about autopay.
What documentation do I need to rent a unit?
A valid form of government-issued ID such as driver’s license, passport, or state ID.
What items am I not allowed to store?
Perishables, plants, animals, stolen or illegal goods, flammable or hazardous items, combustible items or liquids.